Hurricane Erika was like an over hyped super bowl. For a week we were seeing epic windsurf forecasts and then she fell apart. Saturday afternoon the highlight was a local storm cell that lit up the river for about 20 minutes.
Sunday however was a different story. The remnants of Erika was over the state bringing cloudy skies and some strong S winds to our area. When I arrived at the causeway the wind had backed off some but by the time I rigged the wind came in with a vengeance. If you are carrying board and sail down to the water and both are flapping in the wind like a dish rag, you might want to rethink what you are doing. On the water I had way to much speed, little control and I was in the air to much for my frame to endure. Then this blinding, stinging rain came in that reduced visibility to zip. After battling my way back to the causeway the wind and rain backed off and the rest of the afternoon provided some great windsurfing.