Saturday, April 24, 2010


Here is a copy of Rick Randall (Maui Malone) post on the forum page: Ok, so I have arranged to be off from my bill paying job the weekend of May 8 and 9!Let's fling this thing into gear! My idea is to have a 2 day festival of fun on and off the water.We will have a variety of events so that everyone has a chance to participate in some aspect of it.There will be some slalom and possibly long distance racing, some sort of GPS competition, maybe freestyle in at least a demonstration form. Hopefully Paul will give some introductory lessons to anyone interested in experiencing the sport.We can do some BBQ action at the beach. I will get an experienced racer to give some sort of clinic. We will get some cold beverages flowing at the end of the day, maybe I can get a semi local famous videographer to shoot some vids of the action.Canadian Dave has generously volunteered his boat again this year. We will need some help with checking in, and scoring competitors. Someone to operate a grill, pass out water, act as cheerleaders, photographers, beach ambassadors. There will be a small entry fee to offset the costs involved in doing this, maybe $20-25? If you are interested in having T shirts, medals for winners and the like, the cost would need to rise. If we do it as more of a communal fun event we can keep the cost way down.......Let me know of any and all suggestions you have for this ASAP. It takes a bit of time to pull even a basic event together! If the wind gods smile on us like last year, this will be an awesome weekend of fun for everyone! His email:

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