Monday, December 17, 2007

Tuesday NOAA predicts 15 -20 out of the NE and Accuweather shows 71 degrees at lunch.

12/16/07 Joel setting up for a gybe.
Sunday afternoon after the rain blew through the skies cleared and the wind filled in out of the NW. I spent two hours on the water. A lot of people were out and I sailed with Dino some.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Where's the wind?

12/9/07 Ron and Ingrid
I had a fun time on the water Saturday afternoon. I was heading to the House of Refuge at 1:00 and rigged a 6.0. I made it just in time because the wind backed off some and made it hard for others to get out. Art was there and I sailed with him a bit and then he headed back. The water was flat and gusts were huge and then they would fade and at times left me wondering if I should head back. Ended up with two good hours at the refuge.
Today they predict winds 15 - 20 SW becoming NW. This morning at 6:00 huge gust were coming through western PSL and now it has backed off some. Looks like early Monday morning we will have huge wind coming down the coast at 7:00 am but bundle up its supposed to be 47.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday turned out to be a fun time on the water. Wind was on the lite side, had to rig an 8.5 and a 48cm fin. No chance of sneaking over a sandbar! I was on the water at 1:00 and stayed out 2 hours. Afterward I took some photos and was packing it up when Dino comes in and says the wind is building. Sure enough you could see the gust coming closer to the causeway, so back on the water we go. We had a blast racing around as the sun was going down.

James finishing off a gybe.
